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Mission / Board


Our mission is to continue to develop, maintain, and improve the Isle of Catalina neighborhood and provide an active and engaged community of homeowners. It is our responsibility to keep the Isle of Catalina as a premier lakefront and canal front community located in downtown Orlando, Florida.


Our vision is to lead our community members by example to ensure property values are upheld.

Voluntary Board

The Isle of Catalina Homeowner’s Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit Florida organization. The homeowner’s association is currently managed by Vista Community Association Management company working closely with the Board of Directors to achieve the initiatives set forth by the board. The management company is contracted to maintain the legal documents necessary for our homeowner’s association; which includes Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations. This management company also maintains the financial records, collecting annual assessments, as well as addressing the questions and concerns of our members. Under the Bylaws, the board is composed of 12 members duly elected at the annual meeting held between March and inclusive of June. Currently the board member appointments are termed in a 3-year staggered fashion to ensure the viability of board members. Under Article V, Officers, are the defined duties for each board member. Section 1 of Article V notes that officers hold a term of 1 year and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed by the Board of Directors.


Our Board of Directors team is comprised of 12 leaders who serve in the capacity as President (1), Vice-President (1), Secretary (1), Treasurer (1), and Directors (8). In collaboration with Vista Association Community Management company, our current voluntary board of directors are dedicated to ensuring the viability of the company; uphold the mission and vision of the company; and enforce positive financial stewardship. Our current board members and their terms are provided below:


President: Susan Gracia (2022-2025)

Vice President: Gene W. Grace (2023-2026)

Secretary: Ralph Bagnall (2022-2025)

Treasurer: (vacant)

Director / IT Services: Russell Crudgington (2023-2026)

Director: Michelle Binkewicz (2021-2024)

Director: Bill Curl (2022-2025)

Director: Eric Gray (2023-2026)

Director: Corey Johnson (2021-2024)

Director: Alex Powell (2023-2026)

Director: Nicholas Vincent (2022-2025)

Director: (vacant)